August 2018
The first SAPERE (Society for Advancing Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education) training was an opportunity for teachers and educators in Bosnia and Herzegovina to develop their critical thinking skills as well as to connect with a network of educators and researchers around the world. Critical thinking methods developed at the end of the 20th century by Professor Mathew Lipman from the Columbia University (USA)are currently used in over 60 countries. Professor Lipman wanted to encourage young people and citizens to be more reasonable, i.e. to be ready to judge and to be judged with. Similar to ancient Hellenic philosophers, Lipman saw that as a path to the end goal: practical wisdom or good reasoning. He created a new learning model: inquiring community, where teachers and children cooperate in order to achieve greater understanding, not only about the material world but also about the personal and ethical world they live in.
The training instructor was a SAPERE program expert Dr. Patricia Hannam, who works as county inspector/adviser for RE, History and Philosophy in England. The first SAPERE course trainees were representatives from: Second and Third Gymnasium in Sarajevo, First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo, Franciscan Gymnasium in Visoko, Vareš Majdan Elementary in Vareš, Stranjani Elementary in Zenica, Zenica Faculty of Philosophy and TPO Foundation.